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The Introduction About Writer Xue mo and his works

Xuemo formerly known as Chen Kai hong, was born in Liangzhou Gan su province. As a famous cultural scholar. He is also china’s national first-class writer. Vice-Chairman of Gansu writers Association. Dean of Guangzhou research institute for Shangpa Culture and humanities tutor of tumor research institutes of Fudan university and Shanghai university of traditional Chinese … weiterlesenThe Introduction About Writer Xue mo and his works

The composition ci

词是中国古代一种特殊的诗歌形式,最初配合音乐演唱,并且依照乐谱填进词语。词分不同的词调,调名和词的主题最初密切相关,后来就没有什么联系了。词极盛于宋代而延续至今。宋元以来人们习惯将“宋词”和“唐诗”、“元曲”并称。宋词流传至今的约有两万多首,有姓氏可考的词人约一千五百人,其中有一定影响和成就的约有三四百人,堪称“大家”和“名家”的有三十多位。 本书精选了五十二位词人的二百零五首词作,以期读者能一窥宋词的总体风貌与发展轨迹。   The composition ci is a special poetic form in the ancient times of China. At first it could be sung to the beat of music, and was composed according to musical notations. For the composition of ci there are varied melodies, whose names originally had a lot of connection with the subject … weiterlesenThe composition ci

Diligence and Happiness: Stories of Chinese Women Shaking off Poverty

Diligence and Happiness: Stories of Chinese Women Shaking off Poverty      (Chinese and English Editions) By the Department for Women’s Development and the Liaison Department in the ACWF   The book selects more than 50 stories of female officials in poverty relief work and the paired-up assistance scheme to bolster the confidence of impoverished women in … weiterlesenDiligence and Happiness: Stories of Chinese Women Shaking off Poverty